Taisyklės ir Sąlygos

By using the Services, you agree to comply with these Terms of Service, Data Processing Agreement (English), Acceptable Use Policy (English) and Privacy Policy (English) and additional terms that may be provided to you on our website prior to ordering Services. If the provisions of these documents cannot be interpreted in such a way that irreconcilable inconsistencies do not arise between them, the provisions of these Terms of Service shall be interpreted and applied taking into account the following order of precedence: 1) first, additional conditions provided on our website or agreed upon by separate agreement, 2) second, Data processing agreement, 3) third, Privacy Policy, 4) fourth, Acceptable Use Policy, 5) fifth, these Terms of Service.

If you undertake to comply with these Terms of Service on behalf of another entity, for example your employer or the company you work for, you confirm that you have the right to assume binding obligations on behalf of this entity. If you do not agree with these Terms of Service, Data Processing Agreement (English), Acceptable Use Policy (English) and Privacy Policy (English), you may not use the Services.

You may not use the Services if you are a competitor and/or for benchmarking or competitive purposes.
Definitions of terms
Customer, You Any natural or legal person who uses the Services.
Customer Data Files and other digital data and information uploaded by the Customer to the Services.
Personal data Information about an identified or identifiable natural person.
User A natural person authorized to use a user account on behalf of the Client.
Services Website, system, platform and all their content, Service Provider services and/or products presented on or accessible through the platform.
Special Terms Any minor information, specifications and conditions by which the parties have agreed to deviate from these Terms.
User account User profile in the file repository associated with the Client. Each account is assigned to one person for personal access to the Service. One person can have several User accounts.
Account administrator The person who manages the Services for the Client.
Terms The latest version of the Terms of Service, including the Data Processing Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy and the Privacy Policy.
Reseller A third party that resells our Services to Customers and bills them directly.
Provision of services

We will make every effort to make the Services available to Customers and Users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for scheduled downtime (of which Users are notified in advance).

We will be responsible for the compliance of document signing and electronic identification procedures and usage standards of Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 (eIDAS) requirements.

In the Services, we will only support qualified reliability assurance service providers who meet the requirements for qualified service providers, provided for in Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014, and which are duly included in the EU lists of trusted service providers.
Pricing and billing procedures

We offer both free and paid Services. By deciding to order paid Services, You agree to pay the fees specified when purchasing the relevant Service.

Prices, functions, data storage capacity, Service limits depend on the pricing plan you choose and the changes you initiate. Pricing plans for the Services are clearly indicated prior to ordering these Services. For example:

If you switch to the free Services, we will store your Customer data in excess of the quotas of the free Services for six calendar months. We will send you a warning to download all your Customer data no later than 5 working days before the deletion of Customer data.

You may cancel your subscription at any time, and this cancellation will be effective immediately. You will be able to use the Services for the remainder of the period for which you have already paid. We do not refund premiums or credits for a month or part of a year.

If you purchased access to the Services through a Reseller, the pricing plan and billing terms are set forth in the agreement with that Reseller.
Security and personal data

Our Privacy Policy explains how and for what purposes we collect, use, store, disclose and store the data you provide to us. You agree to read the terms of our Privacy Policy (English).

You are responsible for all and any activity conducted under Your User Account. Additionally, a User Account may be provided by an Account Administrator who is responsible for managing the Customer's User Account.

The Account Administrator can add additional User accounts, cancel or suspend access to the Services, manage document permissions and access to all Customer Data and Personal Data. Due to the actions of the Account Administrator, changes are possible related to access, use, disclosure, or deletion of some or all of the Customer's data and/or Personal Data.

All actions performed by the User or Account Administrator are logged and visible in the audit trail.

If a person acting on behalf of the Customer requests to change the Account Administrator, we will make the relevant change only if we are legally required to do so, or if the Customer requests it in circumstances in which the Account Administrator cannot make the change, and after receiving relevant evidence of these circumstances.

We shall not be liable for any disruptions in the Services or software errors and any related costs, direct or indirect losses or lost profits, and shall not pay any compensation for any inconvenience the Customer may experience.
Intellectual property rights

Third parties may use our trademark, such as logos and company name, only with our prior written consent before publishing them in publications and websites.

We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use at any time in our sole discretion. Unless expressly stated otherwise, notice of these changes will be provided through use of the Services 30 days in advance. Please check back regularly for new changes. If you continue to use our Services after these changes become effective, you will be deemed to accept and agree to be bound by these changes.
Force majeure

We are not responsible for non-fulfillment or partial non-fulfillment of the assumed obligations due to special circumstances that could not be foreseen, avoided or eliminated by any means (force majeure). In the event of such circumstances, the deadline for fulfilling the obligations of the Service Provider is extended.

We will notify the Customer of force majeure within 5 (five) days of their occurrence and provide evidence that we have taken all reasonable actions and precautions to reduce costs or negative consequences. In addition, we will set possible deadlines for the fulfillment of obligations. If the circumstances that prevented the fulfillment of obligations disappear, a notification is also provided.
Applicable law

These Terms of Service and their interpretation are governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

Any disagreements and disputes between the Client and the Service Provider regarding these Terms of Service shall be resolved by amicable efforts of the parties. If the Parties fail to reach an agreement, all unresolved disputes, disagreements and claims regarding or related to these terms of service provision, their violation, cancellation or validity shall be resolved in a competent court of the Republic of Lithuania.
Special conditions

The Customer and the Service Provider may agree on Special Terms that differ from these Terms. Such agreement shall be signed by authorized representatives of both parties and shall take precedence over these Terms.

You may stop using the Services at any time.

We reserve the right to terminate the provision of the Services or transfer the provision of the Services to any third party by notifying the Clients at least 6 months in advance. In this case, Customers who have purchased Services that should be provided for more than 6 months will receive compensation for the months in which the Services were not provided.

We reserve the right to terminate the Services immediately without notice if the Customer or user violates these Terms of Service or our Acceptable Use Policy (English).

Except for Customers who have active subscriptions, we reserve the right to cancel or delete your user account and Customer Data if you have not used the service for more than 12 consecutive months.
contact us

If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding these Terms of Service, you can contact our support team by email at by mail info@e-verslas.lt.

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